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Ian Stevenson

( Dados biográficos )

Ian Stevenson é natural do Canadá, Montreal. Iniciou os estudos universitários na Universidade de Santo André, na Escócia. Conclui a licenciatura na Universidade de McGill, em Montreal. Foi-lhe atribuida a medalha de ouro “Holmes”, destinada aos alunos com as mais altas classificações eme todas as disciplinas curriculares.

O Prof. Stevenson estagiou em medicina interna e psicossomática no Royal Victoria Hospital, em Montreal, na Alton Ochner Mecial Foundation, Tulane University, em Nova Orleães e no cornell University Medical College. Em Nova Iorque.

Leccionou durante oito anos na Escola Médica do Estado da Louisiana, antes de ser admitido, como Professor Catedrático, no Departamento de Psiquatria da Universidade da Virgínia, (E.U.A)

Dedicou-se à investigação na área da medicina psicossomática (efeitos psicológicos e bioquímicos das drogas alucinogéneas e á entrevista psiquiátrica). Dirige, nos últimos anos, umprojecto de investigação sobre fenómenos paranormais, com destaque para a hipótese de sobrevivência da consciência após a morte.

É autor de onze livros, autor ou co-autor de mais de 240 artigos e capítulos dispersos por várias obras científicas.

Bibliografia Sumária

Buckman, J., Hain, J. D., Smith, B. M. & Stevenson, I. (1973). Controlled interviews using drugs: II. Comparisons between restricted and freer conditions. Archives of General Psychiatry, 29 (5), 623-627.

Stevenson, I. (1974). The credibility of Mrs. Gretl Albert's testimony. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 56 (209), 117-129.

Stevenson, I. (1974). Xenoglossy: A review and report of a case. Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research, 31, 264.

Stevenson, I., Buckman, J., Smith, B. M. & Hain, J. D. (1974). The use of drugs in psychiatric interviews: Some interpretations based on controlled experiments. American Journal of Psychiatry, 131 (6), 707-710.

Haraldsson, E. & Stevenson, I. (1974). An experiment with the Icelandic medium Hafsteinn Bjornsson. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 68 (2), 192-202.

Palmer, J. (1975). Some recent trends in survival research. Parapsychology Review, 6 (3), 15-17.

Stevenson, I. (1976). Further observations on the combination lock test for survival. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 70 (2), 219-229.

Stevenson, I. (1976). A preliminary report of a new case of responsive xenoglossy: The case of Gretchen. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 70(1), 65-77.

Pratt, J. G. & Stevenson, I. (1976). An instance of possible metal-bending indirectly related to Uri Geller. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 70(1), 79-93.

Stevenson, I. (1977). The belief in reincarnation and cases of the reincarnation type among the Haida. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 71 (2), 177-189.

Stevenson, I., Palmer, J. & Stanford, R. G. (1977). An authenticity rating scale for reports of spontaneous cases. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 71 (3), 273-288.

Stevenson, I. (1977). The Southeast Asian interpretation of gender dysphoria: An illustrative case report. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 165 (3), 201-208.

Stevenson, I. (1977). Reply to the comments of Dr. Lief and Dr. Ullman. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 165 (3), 181-183.

Stevenson, I. (1977). Research into the evidence of man's survival after death: A historical and critical survey with a summary of recent developments. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 165 (3), 152-170.

Stevenson, I. (1977). The explanatory value of the idea of reincarnation. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 164 (5), 305-326.

Ullman, M. (1977). Discussion of Dr. Stevenson’s paper: “The evidence of man’s survival after death”. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 165 (3), 174-175.

Stevenson, I. (1978). Some comments on automatic writing. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 72 (4), 315-332.

Pasricha, S. K., Murthy, H. N. & Murthy, V. N. (1978). Examination of the claims of reincarnation in a psychotic condition. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 5 (2), 197-202.

Stevenson, I. & Pasricha, S. (1979). A case of secondary personality with xenoglossy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 136 (12), 1591-1592.

Stevenson, I. (1979). What next in survival research: VI. The search for the less than perfect case of reincarnation type. Journal of Indian Psychology, 2 (1), 30-34.

Stevenson, I. (1979). Comments on “Is outcome for schizophrenia better in nonindustrial societies? The case of Sri Lanka”. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 167 (3), 159-160.

Stevenson, I. & Beloff, J. (1980). An analysis of some suspect drop-in communications. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 50 (785), 427-447.

Stevenson, I. & Pasricha, S. (1980). A preliminary report on an unusual case of the reincarnation type with xenoglossy. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 74 (3), 331-348.

Greyson, B. & Stevenson, I. (1980). The phenomenology of near-death experiences. American Journal of Psychiatry, 137 (10), 1193-1196.

Stevenson, I. (1981). “The psychology of life after death”. Special Issue: Human resources in psychology. American Psychologist, 36 (11), 1459-1461.

Stevenson, I. (1982). The contribution of apparitions to the evidence for survival. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 76 (4), 341-358.

Stevenson, I. (1983). Do we need a new word to supplement “hallucination”? American Journal of Psychiatry, 140 (12), 1609-1611.

Stevenson, I. (1983). American children who claim to remember previous lives. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 171 (12), 742-748.

Stevenson, I. (1983). Cryptomnesia and parapsychology. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 52 (793), 1-30.

Cook, E. et al. (1983). A review and analysis of “unsolved” cases of the reincarnation type: I. Introduction and illustrative case reports. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 77 (1), 45-62.

Cook, E. et al. (1983). A review and analysis of “unsolved” cases of the reincarnation type: II. Comparison of features of solved and unsolved cases. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 77 (2), 115-135.

Stevenson, I. (1984). Are parapsychology journals good for parapsychology? Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 78 (2), 97-104.

Stevenson, I. (1985). The Kern City Poltergeist: Comments on the critique by Hovelmann and Zorab. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 53 (800), 96-99.

Pasricha, S. & Stevenson, I. (1986). Near-death experiences in India: A preliminary report. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 174 (3), 165-170.

Stevenson, I. (1986). “Investigating the paranormal”: Comment. Nature, 322 (6081), 680.
Stevenson, I. (1987). Guest editorial: Why investigate spontaneous cases? Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 81(2), 101-109.

Azuma, N. & Stevenson, I. (1987). Difficulties confronting investigators of “psychic surgery” in Philippines. Parapsychology Review, 18(2), 6-8.

Pasricha, S. & Stevenson, I. (1987). Indian cases of the reincarnation type two generations apart. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 54 (809), 239-246.

Stevenson, I. (1987). Guest editorial: Changing fashions in the study of spontaneous cases. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 81(1), 1-10.

Stevenson, I., Pasricha, S. & Samararatne, G. (1988). Deception and self-deception in cases of the reincarnation type: Seven illustrative cases in Asia. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 82(1), 1-31.

Stevenson, I. & Samararatne, G. (1988). Three new cases of the reincarnation type in Sri Lanka with written records made before verification. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 176 (12), 741.

Azuma, N. & Stevenson, I. (1988) “Psychic surgery” in the Philippines as a form of group hypnosis. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 31(1), 61-67.

Chadha, N. K. & Stevenson, I. (1988). Two correlates of violent death in cases of the reincarnation type. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 55 (811), 71-79.

Stevenson, I. (1988). Was the attempt to identify parapsychology as a separate field of science misguided? Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 82(4), 309-317.

Stevenson, I., Oram, A. T. & Markwick, B. (1989). Two tests of survival after death: Report on negative results. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 55(815), 329-336.

Ravaldini, S., Biondi, M. & Stevenson, I. (1990). The case od Giuseppe Riccardi: An unusual drop-in communicator in Italy. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 56(8211), 257-265.

Stevenson, I., Cook, E. & McClean-Rice, N. (1990). Are persons reporting “near-death experiences” really near death? A study of medical records. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 20(1), 45-54.

Stevenson, I. & Chadha, N. K. (1990). Can children be stopped from speaking about previous lives? Some further analyses of features in cases of the reincarnation type. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 56 (818), 82-90.

Pasricha, S. (1990). Three conjectured features of reincarnation-type cases in North India: Responses of persons unfamiliar with actual cases. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 84 (3), 227-233.

Akolkar, V. V. (1992). Search for Sharada: Report of a case and its investigation. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 86 (3), 209-247.

Anderson, R. I. (1992). Commentary on the Akolkar and Stevenson reports. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 86 (3), 249-256.

Kellehear, A., Stevenson, I., Pasricha, S. & Cook, E. (1994). The absence of tunnel sensation on near-death experiences from India. Journal of Near Death Studies, 13 (2), 109-113.

Stevenson, I. (1994). A case of the psychotherapist’s fallacy: Hypnotic Regression to “previous lives”. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 36 (3), 188-193.

Kastenbaum, R. (1994). Ian Stevenson: An Omega interview. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 28 (3), 165-182.

Stevenson, I. & Cook, E. W. (1995). Involuntary memories during severe physical illness or injury. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 183 (7), 452-458.



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