Max Heindel Memorial Prize and Scholarship
Max Heindel Memorial Prize is annually awarded on the basis of financial need to a student currently enrolled at an accredited public university or secondary school, recognized for his/her outstanding performance and prosocial behavior: empathy, moral values, sense of personal responsibility, etc.
Max Heindel Memorial Prize is a portuguese rosicrucian fellowship tradition and makes rosicrucian members charitable giving efficient and effective.
Rosicrucian relationship or membership is not required.
The prize consists of a non-repayable cash prize and certificate suported by Charity Fund. Charity Fund, for charitable and educational purposes only, comes from generous donations from Members and Non-Members and Instituto Francisco Marques Rodrigues.
All candidates must be nominated by an active member of Fraternidade Rosacruz de Portugal or ROSACRUZ MAGAZIN subscriber, via FRP website or mail, according to Scholarship Prize Rules and Regulations (website: Acção Social-Regulamento de Bolsas de Estudo).
Deadline for Max Heindel Memorial Prize 2019 is September 30.