Max Heindel’s Memorial Prize – 2009
Max Heindel Memorial Prize was established by the Fraternidade Rosacruz de Portugal and is named in honour of the Rosicrucian Fellowship Founder. The recipient of this annual award receives a cash grant as well as the Memorial Max Heindel Award.
This prize is for all full-time students at all secondary levels. Nominees must have made a substantial contribution to the school, with consistently excellent academic performance and broader community.
The prize winner is selected by the Prize Committee members on the basis of the assessments and recommendations made by directors of selected schools.
This year's winner is
Ana Laura Fernandes Madeira
attending Leal da Câmara School in Rio de Mouro (Concelho de Sintra). She was selected for her academic performance and pro-social behaviour.
This 2009 Prize Award Ceremony will take place on October 31th.
Any questions regarding the Max Heindel Memorial Prize should be directed to the Board of Directors:
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